
Wearing Hope started as a means to travel to India in the name of Jesus while doing human-trafficking prevention work. Upon returning home, the work was not done and I wanted the ability to continue to support the anti-human trafficking movement in a creative way. Wearing Hope exists entirely thanks to those who have adopted jewelry. It exists as a way to start conversations and allow “jewelry-adopters” the chance to fight human trafficking with me.

Wearing Hope shares a message of freedom through Christ; freedom from any past, shame, guilt, or pain. Freedom to have joy, love, and light in their lives again. 10% of each purchase goes directly to supporting Dressember, an organization doing big things for those involved in various forms of human trafficking.

Ultimately, Wearing Hope exists to remind whoever it is wearing the earrings that there is hope in Christ and hope for new beginnings; these earrings can be a symbol-of-hope for a future freed of trafficking.