There are countless organizations that are more than willing to let you help them achieve amazing things in the name of fighting human trafficking. Organizations like Dressember, started in 2009 by Blithe Hill who has raised millions of dollars through anti-trafficking movements. Organizations such as International Rescue Committee, Free the Girls, Polaris Project, or Shared Hope International are all creditable organizations who will put your funds to action.
Know the signs
Human trafficking is everywhere, whether one would like to acknowledge such or not. Signs can include anything from the smallest details of “neglected-looking” children to medical patients who have severe pelvic pain or dental decay. These signs of neglect often come when an individual is not being well cared for. If someone is being forced to beg on the street by a “parent,” there may be more to the story.
Make a Call
Making a phone call when you believe you see suspicious behavior is an easy and quick action that may save someone’s life from future pain. If you see what looks like pimping or prostituion, calling authorities might just relieve a victim.
Human Trafficking Hotline: Call: 1(888) 373-7888 / Text: BeFree to 233733